Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles Wiki

Food is a type of resources in Yonder.

There are several ways to get food in the game: it can be gathered, grown or produced on a farm, traded for, or crafted.

Uses[ | ]

Food is primarily used to increase the Friendship with a character to hire them as a farmhand. The friendship meter raises 1% for every ValueSign5 of a gifted item's value.

Some items are also needed for certain quests or can be fed to some animals. Additional uses of each item are listed in tables below.

Farming[ | ]

Food can be grown on a farm using GardenPlotIconGarden Plots, produced by certain animals housed in the pens, and made using certain machines.

Crops[ | ]

These food resources can be grown from respective seeds in any garden plot placed on a farm.

Icon Name Value Friendship Seed Used in
BlueBerryIcon Blue Berry ValueSign50 10% BlueBerrySeedIconBlue Berry Seed

BerryPieIconBerry Pie
BlueDyeIconBlue Dye
FestivalJuiceIconFestival Juice
A Little Color Goes a Long Way Quest

HerbsIcon Herbs ValueSign50 10% HerbSeedIconHerb Seed

FastFoodIconFast Food
FishCakeIconFish Cake
SundayRoastIconSunday Roast
Food for FabbitFabbit

PotatoIcon Potato ValueSign50 10% PotatoSeedIconPotato Seed

FishCakeIconFish Cake
FrenchFriesIconFrench Fries
SundayRoastIconSunday Roast

RedBerryIcon Red Berry ValueSign50 10% RedBerrySeedIconRed Berry Seed

BerryPieIconBerry Pie
FestivalJuiceIconFestival Juice
RedDyeIconRed Dye
RedFireworkIconRed Firework

Animal Produce[ | ]

This food resources are produced by an animal housed on a farm in a pen.

Icon Name Value Friendship Animal Used in
EggIcon Egg ValueSign50 10% FabbitFabbit

BoiledEggIconBoiled Egg

GroffleMilkIcon Groffle Milk ValueSign50 10% GroffleGroffle

TresLechesCakeIconTres Leches Cake
WarmMilkIconWarm Milk
WhiteDyeIconWhite Dye

Produced Goods[ | ]

These food items can be produced using a machine placed on a farm.

Icon Name Value Friendship Machine Ingredient Used in
ButterIcon Butter ValueSign50 10% ButterChurnerIconButter Churner GroffleMilkIconGroffle Milk

ExquisiteCakeIconExquisite Cake
SundayRoastIconSunday Roast

CheeseIcon Cheese ValueSign50 10% CheeseMakerIconCheese Maker GroffleMilkIconGroffle Milk

FastFoodIconFast Food
TresLechesCakeIconTres Leches Cake

Fishing[ | ]

Main article: Fishing.

Fish can be caught in any water body with a FishingPoleIconFishing Pole.

Crafting[ | ]

Food items can be crafted by several classes: Wayfarers, Chefs, and Master Craftsmen.

Wayfarer[ | ]

These food items can be crafted by Wayfarer. The player already knows most of the recipes when they start the game.

Icon Name Value Friendship Recipe
Ingredients Uses
CookedFishIcon Cooked Fish ValueSign44 8% Default 1x Fish 1xCoalIcon

FishAndChipsIconFish And Chips
FishCakeIconFish Cake
Food for Fluff Cub

CookedMeatIcon Cooked Meat ValueSign44 8% Default 1xMeatIcon 1xCoalIcon

FastFoodIconFast Food
SundayRoastIconSunday Roast

GhostFishStewIcon Ghost Fish Stew ValueSign39 7% Katie 1xGhostFishIcon 1xMushroomIcon 1xWaterIcon

The Great Beard Off quest

WarmMilkIcon Warm Milk ValueSign88 17% Default 1xGroffleMilkIcon 1xCoalIcon

TresLechesCakeIconTres Leches Cake
Food for Girpacca

Chef[ | ]

These food items can be crafted by Chef. The Novice recipes become available when the player completes The Secret Ingredient quest and joins the Chef's Guild. The Master recipes are available after the player completes the Chef Guild Master quest.

Icon Name Value Friendship Recipe
Ingredients Uses
BerryPieIcon Berry Pie ValueSign559 Max Novice 1xChefsKitIcon 1xDoughIcon 1xFlourIcon 2xBlueBerryIcon 2xRedBerryIcon 1xGoldenMintIcon AfternoonTeaIconAfternoon Tea
BoiledEggIcon Boiled Egg ValueSign161 32% Novice 1xChefsKitIcon 2xEggIcon 2xWaterIcon

DecoratedEggIconDecorated Egg
DippyEggWithBreadSoldiersIconDippy Egg with Bread Soldiers

BreadIcon Bread ValueSign84 16% Novice 1xChefsKitIcon 1xFlourIcon 1xWaterIcon 1xOilIcon

AfternoonTeaIconAfternoon Tea
DippyEggWithBreadSoldiersIconDippy Egg with Bread Soldiers
FastFoodIconFast Food
FishCakeIconFish Cake
The Secret Ingredient quest

CheesecakeIcon Cheesecake ValueSign664 Max Master 1xChefsKitIcon 1xDoughIcon 2xCheeseIcon 1xEggIcon 1xBlueBerryIcon 1xRedBerryIcon 1xSeasoningIcon AfternoonTeaIconAfternoon Tea
DippyEggWithBreadSoldiersIcon Dippy Egg with Bread Soldiers ValueSign684 Max Novice 1xChefsKitIcon 2xBoiledEggIcon 2xBreadIcon 2xSeasoningIcon
DoughIcon Dough ValueSign288 57% Novice 1xChefsKitIcon 1xFlourIcon 1xButterIcon 1xWaterIcon 1xOilIcon 1xEggIcon 1xSeasoningIcon

BerryPieIconBerry Pie
ExquisiteCakeIconExquisite Cake
TresLechesCakeIconTres Leches Cake

FishAndChipsIcon Fish And Chips ValueSign1043 Max Novice 1xChefsKitIcon 2xCookedFishIcon 2xFrenchFriesIcon 2xOilIcon 1xSeasoningIcon
FrenchFriesIcon French Fries ValueSign405 81% Novice 1xChefsKitIcon 3xPotatoIcon 2xOilIcon 2xSeasoningIcon

FastFoodIconFast Food
FishAndChipsIconFish And Chips

LamingtonIcon Lamington ValueSign609 Max Lauren 1xChefsKitIcon 1xDoughIcon 1xEggIcon 1xButterIcon 1xFlourIcon 1xOilIcon 1xGroffleMilkIcon 1xSeasoningIcon

AfternoonTeaIconAfternoon Tea

PizzaIcon Pizza ValueSign604 Max Master 1xChefsKitIcon 1xDoughIcon 1xCookedMeatIcon 1xPotatoIcon 1xCheeseIcon 1xHerbsIcon 1xSeasoningIcon 1xMushroomIcon
PoutineIcon Poutine ValueSign748 Max Master 1xChefsKitIcon 1xFrenchFriesIcon 2xCheeseIcon 2xHerbsIcon 1xOilIcon 1xSeasoningIcon

Food for FenicornFenicorn

SeasoningIcon Seasoning ValueSign95 19% Novice 1xChefsKitIcon 1xGoldenMintIcon 1xHerbsIcon 1xOilIcon

DippyEggWithBreadSoldiersIconDippy Egg with Bread Soldiers
ExquisiteCakeIconExquisite Cake
FishAndChipsIconFish And Chips
FishCakeIconFish Cake
FrenchFriesIconFrench Fries
SundayRoastIconSunday Roast
TresLechesCakeIconTres Leches Cake

SundayRoastIcon Sunday Roast ValueSign387 77% Master 1xChefsKitIcon 2xCookedMeatIcon 1xButterIcon 1xFlourIcon 1xPotatoIcon 1xHerbsIcon 1xSeasoningIcon
TresLechesCakeIcon Tres Leches Cake ValueSign642 Max Master 1xChefsKitIcon 1xWarmMilkIcon 1xGroffleMilkIcon 1xCheeseIcon 1xDoughIcon 1xFlourIcon 1xOilIcon 1xSeasoningIcon

AfternoonTeaIconAfternoon Tea

Master Craftsman[ | ]

These food items can be crafted by Master Craftsman. The player learns these recipes from Old Hurly after completing his quest.

Icon Name Value Friendship Ingredients
AfternoonTeaIcon Afternoon Tea ValueSign2806 Max 1xMasterCraftsmansKitIcon 1xChefsKitIcon 1xBreadIcon 1xFestivalJuiceIcon 1xBerryPieIcon 1xCheesecakeIcon 1xLamingtonIcon 1xTresLechesCakeIcon
ExquisiteCakeIcon Exquisite Cake ValueSign1025 Max 1xMasterCraftsmansKitIcon 1xChefsKitIcon 1xButterIcon 1xDoughIcon 1xSeasoningIcon 1xPinkDyeIcon 1xWhiteDyeIcon 1xGoldIngotIcon
FastFoodIcon Fast Food ValueSign784 Max 1xMasterCraftsmansKitIcon 1xChefsKitIcon 1xFrenchFriesIcon 2xCookedMeatIcon 1xCheeseIcon 1xBreadIcon 1xHerbsIcon
FishCakeIcon Fish Cake ValueSign452 90% 1xMasterCraftsmansKitIcon 1xChefsKitIcon 1xCookedFishIcon 1xPotatoIcon 1xBreadIcon 1xHerbsIcon 1xOilIcon 1xSeasoningIcon
